.. dependencies: Dependencies ============ :ref:`Go Home ` CLyman is built on top of the work of many others, and here you will find information on all of the libraries and components that CLyman uses to be successful. Licenses for all dependencies can be found in the licenses folder within the repository. CppKafka -------- `CppKafka `__ is a wrapper on top of librdkafka, which provides quick and easy access to pushing Kafka messages. `CppKafka `__ is released under a BSD License. ZeroMQ ------ `Zero MQ `__ is a lightweight messaging library that CLyman uses to communicate. It is fast, versatile, and has bindings for many major languages. `Zero MQ `__ is released under an LGPL License. CppZmq ------ `CppZmq `__ is the C++ binding for libzmq, which was written in C. `CppZmq `__ is released under an MIT License. Log4cpp ------- `Log4Cpp `__ is a logging library based on Log4j. `Log4Cpp `__ is released under an LGPL License. Eigen ----- `Eigen `__ is a Linear Algebra library. `Eigen `__ is released under an MPL License. RapidJson --------- `RapidJson `__ is a very fast JSON parsing/writing library. `RapidJson `__ is released under an MIT License. AO Shared Service Library ------------------------- `AOSSL `__ is a collection of C++ wrappers on many of the C libraries listed here. `AOSSL `__ is released under an MIT License. LibBson & LibMongoc ------------------- `LibBson `__ and `LibMongoc `__ are used to communicate with Mongo, a Document Based Database. `LibBson `__ and `LibMongoc `__ are released under Apache 2 Licenses. LibUUID ------- `LibUUID `__ is a linux utility for generating Universally Unique ID's. `LibUUID `__ is released under a BSD License. LibCurl ------- `LibCurl `__ is a ubiquitous networking library. `LibCurl `__ is released under an MIT License. LibProtobuf ----------- LibProtobuf and the Protocol Buffer Compiler comprise a serialization system which CLyman can use to communicate in lieu of JSON. You can find more information about Protocol Buffers at `the Google Developer Site `__ The Protocol Buffer License is unique yet very unrestrictive. For more information please see the `license itself `__ DVS Interface ------------- Finally, we also depend on the `DVS Interface Library `__ which houses a collection of .proto files for this project. `DVS Interface `__ is released under an MIT License. Automatic Dependency Resolution ------------------------------- For Ubuntu 16.04 & Debian 7, the build\_deps.sh script should allow for automatic resolution of dependencies. Other Acknowledgements ---------------------- Here we will try to list authors of other public domain code that has been used: :: René Nyffenegger - Base64 Decoding Methods