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CLyman is built on top of the work of many others, and here you will find information on all of the libraries and components that CLyman uses to be successful.

Licenses for all dependencies can be found in the licenses folder within the repository.


RapidJson is a very fast JSON parsing/writing library.

RapidJson is released under an MIT License.

AO Shared Service Library

AOSSL is a collection of C++ wrappers on many of the C libraries listed here.

AOSSL is released under an MIT License.


MongoCxx is the official C++ client for Mongodb, the database behind CLyman.

MongoCxx is released under an Apache 2 License.


LibUUID is a linux utility for generating Universally Unique ID’s.

LibUUID is released under a BSD License.


The POCO Project is a set of libraries for building networked C++ applications.

It is released under the Boost Software License.


The Boost Project is a set of C++ libraries, that are primarily used for UDP Processing.

It is released under the Boost Software License.

Automatic Dependency Resolution

For Ubuntu 16.04 or Centos7, the scripts should allow for automatic resolution of dependencies.

Developers can utilize the Vagrant image, which will install dependencies in the VM.

End-Users can run the Docker image, which will install dependencies in the container.

Other Acknowledgements

Here we will try to list authors of other public domain code that has been used:

René Nyffenegger - Base64 Decoding Methods